Solar Power Pack Off Grid
James solar power packs is solar cum mains hybrid inverter with solar charging priority to Power domestic appliances like Cfl/Led/Tubes, Fan's, Tv's, Pc's, Refrigerator's, Cctv's, Lift's, etc. System comprises of solar photovoltaic modules, solar inverter cum charge controller with intelligent logic control and batteries.
Solar Inverter (power conditioning unit) Functioning: During the day initially the solar energy is utilized for charging The battery, load Will be on the grid until battery gets charged up to 90% of its capacity. Once it reaches the level, load will be transferred to the inverter, grid(mains)will be disconnected and load will be shared with the available solar. Energy and battery. Incase the solar energy is not available, power to the connected load will be utilized from the battery. Once the battery gets discharged to the set level, the load will be automatically transferred to grid (mains).
Solar photovoltaic modules: The solar photovoltaic module is a basic element of each photovoltaic system. It Consist of number of solar cells arrange and connected in a definite pattern. It converts solar energy in to electric energy when sunlight falls on its surface.
Batteries: The device that converts the chemical energy in to electrical energy by means of an electrochemical reaction. Low maintenance, tubular batteries are provided with our systems.
System Applications Areas: At James Solar, we design customized solar power packs for homes, shops, hospitals, hotels, institutes, offices, Petrol pumps, etc.
Models Available: l.OKVA, 1.5KVA, 2.0KVA, 3.5KVA, 5.0KVA, 7..5KVA, lOKVA and above.